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[出售] South China Sea Network reporter Deng Yu Chang



2 小时
发表于 2015-7-8 02:50:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
According to reports, in 1954, the old jobs to former state-owned East Guangdong Province and Wanning County Farm (now Wanning City, Hainan Province, east and state farms), but because of the old file is missing, which should enjoy a variety of treatment has not been reasonable and proper solution, now only receive 200 yuan a month retired soldier given protection, but the pain of the war years has plagued the elderly. Yan Xiu demobilized soldiers to man holding a certificate to say, along with his specialty, including six soldiers, all in the same year with the same period granted resettlement, the other five people are enjoying retirement benefits, but he has still led by guaranteeing life.
- G% s# W" g5 {( ?2 T7 y) {* _Yan to repair the old show their medals and certificates. (South China Sea Network reporter Deng Yu Chang)  Y1 H2 S3 X; `
4 U5 \* e! c6 LA few rusty medal reporters from the hands of the man holding the saw, including the 1954 National People's Liberation Army delegation of condolence gift of medals, 1950 issued by the Central Military Commission and the Central Military medals liberation Central and Fourth Field Army medals awarded liberation of Hainan Island. And do not forget the old year after year won a "third class" medal, because in a long lost them.2 y% o8 P1 h7 f# ]9 p1 j
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- c) ?5 l3 L. ^1 b! X1 gAccording to the eldest son Yan Xiu Yan Jiamin introduced to the elderly, the elderly aged 81 years,, in 1947 at age 16 joined the Qiongya column. Qiongya column in two rows of three with five Corps as platoon leader, has participated in more than 20 times the size of the fight. Although the past 60 years of time, but the old man to the battle scene was still fresh, often talk to his family at the time of the fighting.  ?9 y! U3 F1 m6 z4 `) r' ?+ `2 V5 [
8 n3 d4 b, ]+ X, d! R3 b- M 2 e: t7 M2 S2 ^; D
Yan Jiamin told reporters that the old man in 2000 on account of a lump in the mouth and a long surgery, spent tens of thousands of dollars, and now the elderly is high blood pressure, respiratory and other sick,, before coming to the hospital the situation appeared chest pain, really could not stand, only to the hospital, I did not think the situation was so serious. Now they do not tell the old man the truth. Six brothers and sisters, although they are married, but they are humble Wanning local farmers, faced with such a high cost it is powerless.
/ W4 p- ]* J6 sOld file is missing by guaranteeing life
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# t. ^( J5 @. H6 t3 Y  f" ? & H( a1 p  N1 Z9 f. X
Old people remember most was in 1948 participated in the attack Qiongya column Ledong nine nine towers stand Kuomintang fight. In that seven days and nights of fierce battle, the old row where, at the expense of 27 people, only five survived,tn pas cher,, the elderly are the battle in the enemy machine gun and wounded. In the 1947-1954 seven-year revolutionary career, the elderly negative major injuries three times, now more than 10 who are still left scars,, arms,, thighs, buttocks have left injured imprint.
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" M% G, T, Y% _; x( e& H" FAccording to the Hainan Land Reclamation Bureau Hospital respiratory physician Chen Xingfeng introduced, such as the elderly, the possibility of lung cancer is relatively large,, according to the physical condition of the elderly now, even surgery tolerance old body can not be optimistic, if surgery until bronchoscopic biopsy results came out before deciding.
: V: _  x6 \' B4 l81-year-old money to treat veterans Qiongya column
7 g) h+ }& J7 C, R % J0 O! C1 J8 I4 \8 E7 V+ _
Nanhai network Sept. 12 news (South China Sea Network reporter intern reporter Deng Yu Huang good way) "now found the old man's right lung door increases,polo ralph lauren pas cher, there are flowers like mass 2.6 × 2.0, the initial determination of malignant tumors according to the film situation, which is lung cancer more likely, tomorrow will be bronchoscopic biopsy to confirm the disease. " Hainan Land Reclamation Bureau Hospital Respiratory Medicine Dr. Chen Xingfeng 11 so explained Qiongya column veterans Yan to repair the condition. From admission to 10 days now, Yan Xiu to medical expenses for the elderly have been owed nearly $ 10,000 more for post-treatment is urgently needed.
0 N* ^$ g5 H/ g! XSeptember 12, the South China Sea Network reporter at the hospital saw lying on the bed Yan to repair the elderly. Years of pain have clearly put the fighting spirit then tortured exhausted, shortness of breath and chest pain in the elderly speak a bit difficult.5 x) C3 p/ S: x, A6 f: |% j; \! N  S
Reporters also saw a group of data from a survey of demobilized soldiers of the elderly, born in 1931, he joined the revolution in 1947, joined the party in 1966,louboutin femme pas cher, 1954 "to strengthen the organization of socialist construction, to be demobilized."严家民 told reporters that over the years was seriously sick and the elderly, when the bloody revolution injured, they just want to live long enough to make life for the elderly elderly can get proper treatment,chaussures louboutin hommes, no longer is the pain and suffering.
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