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发表于 2015-7-31 14:35:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
"I just want to sleep, woke up to travel!" From that day, the emergency room was not a superwoman, but this does not seem a big deal. For example, for a security guard at the hospital for a day, there are always people coming and going to find him about Concord thing, but this tanned young man neither heard of "Orioles" not recognize "ER superwoman . " He just explained patiently with, Union Hospital emergency room, walk out the door in the alley bypassing the inside. Reporter Li striking (Original title: Supergirl emergency department and institutions not play) (EdiData for: Night of Liaoning shipSina military Editor: In order to better render military diverse content for readers to meet the reading needs of different readers, to discuss domestic and international strategic developments,nike design shoes, military Sina exclusive launch of "deep military" area, depth of interpretation military news hidden behind the trend, three-dimensional rendering China complex environment faced by military strategy, welcomed the attention. Trend PLA Navy ocean strategy In the early fifties to the eighties, China has been pursuing a "coastal defense" maritime strategy. Initially he emphasizes respond Taiwan Kuomintang troops retake the mainland amphibious landing operations, and subsequently in maritime defense of the Soviet Union's invasion of the goal. In this case, China does not need aircraft carriers. By the late eighties, Liu Huaqing much respected "offshore active defense" strategy instead of "coastal defense" strategy. The strategy calls for the development of the PLA Navy's combat capability and reliable.
" O) V. l9 I, A: e they also need protection. In addition, China's booming coastal region,christian louboutin pas cher, rich in resources of the exclusive economic zone, as well as the disputed territorial waters also need to be protected. Chinese naval analysts believe that the PLA Navy needs to get rid of the shackles inside the first island chain and the surrounding waters of the narrow sea, to get beyond the first island chain of offshore capability. Into the vast sea area outside the first island chain, the PLA Navy will be able to seize the initiative, launched the attack,louboutin 2015, ambushes and sabotage and other operations,latest nike shoes, to deter the enemy. Frontier warfare and naval attack is the core, because the ocean is almost non-existent defense impregnable fortress, and maritime combat platforms once they are very difficult to repair the damage. Stressed offensive operations also help to optimize the structure of naval forces, but also more cost-effective advantage,nike air max 1, because with the continuous improvement within striking distance, accuracy and powerful, Damage Capacity is also growing, resulting in the price paid to maintain a defensive posture is also increasingly higher. History also shows that it is static coastal defense strategy has led to the Qing Dynasty naval defeat in the 1894 Sino-Japanese War.3 n6 l. @& c/ ]6 H4 a. b$ G. w
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( Z- U' Z; @5 J. D the PLA Navy can only be active in a first or Chinese offshore island Lian. But he also believes that in the long run, with the enhancement and development of the economic strength of science and technology, Chinese naval forces will have further expanded the scope of activities of the PLA Navy will be able to push from the front offshore "COSCO sea", or the first island chain to the second island chain (north of Japan, in connection Mariana Islands and Guam waters south south) between the sea, once the Chinese coast or inside the attack, the PLA Navy will be able to move through an outside attack enemy rear, But Liu Huaqing still emphasized the need for "offshore operations based,louboutin paris, supplemented by COSCO sea combat." Data Figure: China military report aired Navy's first aircraft carrier,louboutin prix, Liaoning ship the latest picture. We rarely see from the video, Liaoning ship engine and boiler screen. In addition, the video also exposed our military strategic nuclear submarines and nuclear attack submarines.& p" q! P4 A8 ?& q, ~8 Y
aircraft carrier battle group escort ship Liaoning screen.However, when in 2004, the Chinese navy's strategic focus some degree of change seems to be happening. For example, the Chinese navy analysts began to believe that China's naval strategy should shift away sea combat offshore operations, as China increasingly vulnerable sea lanes and choke points distress. China expanding merchant fleet, particularly oil tankers, in need of protection; increasing the scale of China's overseas investment,tn requin pas cher, Chinese people living overseas and working more and more.) J; X, {# x% }' n1 T$ p
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